
ICMCI Conference Testimonials

This event will go down in the history of ICMCI as the occasion when many records were set. Perhaps the time has come for the ICMCI to reach this next level of sophistication and professionalism and move closer towards realizing the visions of our predecessors and founders as enshrined in our vision, mission and by-laws. Some of the records set are quantitative, over 100 members and 40+ countries represented and an unprecedented number of accompanying partners. Many firsts include the first time we are present in the middle-east region, the first time we have had to block an entire hotel, the first time we have reached a level of branding of the event, a first time we have made breakthroughs in technology with online registrations and payments. Qualitatively, we are reaching a level of professionalism in the conduct of the meeting as is apparent from the wonderful work done by IMC Jordan in making all the arrangements, the outstanding efforts are going to set a tall order for the next biennial congress at Taiwan.
Aneeta Madhok, CMC
ICMCI Chairperson
You promised;-
  1. a memorable location
  2. an extensive PR programme locally
  3. involvement with key stakeholders in Jordan
  4. full support of your Institute, its board, its members and its executive office
  5. a post meeting tour to remember
You delivered, and so much more besides.

My most sincere personal thanks to you (and to everybody who helped you).
Brian Ing, ICMCI ExCom and Immediate Past Chairman – UK
We want to thank you cordially for your great arrangement and your perfect assistance in all matters for the fantastic conference and visit to Jordan!
Since my visit to Jordan in 2007 I have looked forward with great anticipation to the possibility of having a regular ICMCI conference staged in Jordan because of the country itself and the extremely friendly and competent people whom I had the great pleasure to meet and get to know. And I really wanted all my colleagues and partners including Hanne to obtain firsthand knowledge through a visit. The conference hotel was truly excellent and in the most beautiful setting. For the conference it was efficient and everybody friendly and service minded. As for the tours the distances to do in busses were occasionally felt to be a little longer than desirable – but this is a logical effect of the exceptional position of the hotel.
The tour to Petra, Wadi Rum and Aqaba was most interesting indeed and well arranged. The sights and the time spent there were really exciting. Without you it would not have been possible to conduct such a fine performance. And your constant care and engagement made everything really splendid. So please receive our very best thanks!
Your friends
Hanne and Peter
Peter Sorensen CMC, Past Chairman of ICMCI
I am writing to thank you for the best organised ICMCI event we have had so far. I should know, as I have been attending them almost every year since 1991, in fact on 29 September in Toronto was my first. Of particular merit was the quality of the IMCJ and CMC branding which is a real credit to all concerned.
The pre-prep for the Jordan event was flawless and I would like to congratulate you and your team for a job well done.
The best part was the welcoming face of my driver who met me at the airport after my long flight from Australia. This was closely followed by the Gala Dinner held at a great location with some wonderful local dancing.
Please pass on my thanks to the president and board of IMC Jordan for this impressive event and in particular in the raising of awareness of the Middle Eastern management consultancy developments within ICMCI.  
Richard Elliott CMC FIMC
ICMCI Chairman 2001 – 2003
I wanted to thank you for the excellent conference and post-conference trip that you organised for us. The conference was very successful and the trip most enjoyable. Many thanks to you and your colleagues for all your hard work.
Calvert Markham - ICMCI ExCom
Now when we are back home again and see the experience from a distance we want to thank you very much for an outstanding and superb experience in Jordan.
You, your country, the conference, the post tours and all the people we had a possibility to meet were so beautiful, that me and my wife will never forget this event. At this conference we felt that we really became one of the ICMCI family members thanks to the atmosphere you created among all of us.
All the best to you and your institute in future.
Kim Karme – ICMCI Trustee – Finland
Thank you very much for all of your assistance in allowing our group to arrive early and conduct a highly productive three days in this outstanding venue.  The Evason staff catered superbly to all of our needs and allowed us to concentrate fully on our work.  The results of the three days – 7 new CMCs, all trained as CMC assessors, and a new alliance with IMC USA in developing the consulting profession in Central Asia – would not have been possible without your support and hard work.
Gabriel Al-Salem, CMC
Regional Director for Central Asia
EBRD Business Advisory Services Programme
Aleksandras and myself would like to express our thankfulness to you and all who where related in organising the event. We enjoyed our stay in your beautiful country and really had a very useful insight of the organisation and made a great networking!
Lina Grigonytė
Aleksandras Abisala
Lithuanian Association of Business Consultants
It was a pleasure to be associated with you and your “team” in Jordan – you indeed made the visit memorable and to watch you in action – WOW! Thanks
Nick Shepherd
Member PSC at ICMCI
A wonderful trip, meeting great people, and the opportunity to help us all improve. Thanks for all your efforts managing a huge event.
Clint Burdett CMC®
Institute of Management Consultants USA
Trustee, International Council of Management Consulting Institutes
I have just arrived home and want to thank you for all the work that you did to make the conference such a success.  You truly went the extra mile to take care of every detail.  It was a pleasure to experience your country and your culture which is so distinct from Canada.
Valerie Sluth, MBA, CMC
Past President, Institute of Certified Management Consultants of Saskatchewan
Trustee, International Council of Management Consulting Institutes
Wendy and I would like to extend a big thank you for all of your amazing organising and looking after us while we visited Jordan. The conference was the best one I have attended and we enjoyed our extending 3 day tour.
Kind Regards Gordon & Wendy.
Gordon Shaw CMC
President of the Institute of Management Consultants NZ
NZ Trustee to the International Council of Management Consulting Institutes
I would like to say to you a cordially thanks for your kind and extraordinary help and support. If I may say you have been spiritus movens of entire conference and all the events within it. I will remember all the nice moments, perfect organisation, lovely people both participants and staff.
Anton Florijan Barisic, M.Sc., CMC*, MSCE
European Excellence Assessor
We greatly appreciate all you have done to make this one of the best trips I have ever taken!!!  Thank you!!!
THANK YOU for all your help this week and before the conference.  This conference NEVER would have been as successful without you.
Drumm McNaughton, Ph.D., CMC® 
Chairman and CEO
Institute of Management Consultants USA
Thank you very much for all the work you and your team put into the conference. Every detail was flawlessly looked after, the logistics and materials were both professional and first-class and you dealt with any glitches (even those brought on by ourselves!) quickly and fantastically. The hotel and the staff were the best I have experienced anywhere and it was a real treat to be introduced to your country. Thank you for your professionalism, hospitality and first-rate event.
Gerry Humphries, FCMC
Canadian Trustee to ICMCI
Thank you very much for your wonderful work. The conference and post-conference activity were organized greatly. The photos are professional and very informative.
I hope this conference started a new quality of ICMCI activity.
Vice-president of National Institute of Certified Management Consultants (Russia)
Mikhail Ivanov

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