
Consultant Registration BETA

     Under no circumstance is IMC-Jordan, its team, its members, or any affiliated party responsible, or can be held responsible for the quality or accuracy of the registrants’ content. For more information, please read our Disclaimer.

To register in IMC-Jordan’s Consultants and Trainers Classification System, please complete the following form:

* Mandatory fields

Consultant Type * (select all applicable)
   Academic / Educational
Consultant Name (for all types)
   English *
Job Title (for Individual consultants)
Employer (for Individual consultants)
Consultant Nationality  
Work Location
   City *

Service (select all applicable)
   Subject-matter Expert
   Assurance & Audit
   Deals & Fianancial Transactions
To select multiple options please hold the CTRL key on your keyboard, and click the desired options. (For better visibility in the search results, please limit your selection)
Focus *
Sector *

Include Specific Areas of Expertise, Skills, Tools, Standards, Capacities and Models (separate each with a comma)

Contact Details and External Links
   Contact Name *
   Email *
   Tel/Mobile * -
   Website -2
   Link to CV
   Others -1
   Others -2

IMC - Jordan Member?
   If yes, indicate membership type
   Click if the consultant has CMC certification
Remarks & Suggestions
   I verify that I have the right to act on the behalf of the above consultant/trainer in providing this information.
   I have read, and agree to the "Terms of Use"
   Validation Code
capatchPress if Code is not clear
   Enter the Code Shown Above

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