Members Benefits
- Full Membership is required to apply for the CMC designation.
- Members receive workspace and email allocation on IMC-Jordan website.
- Access to business opportunity notifications (local, regional, and international).
- Participation in networking events.
- Discounted fees for CMC-Global annual conferences and training workshops.
- Access to CMC-Global’s online resources, including business books and videos.
Membership Categories (Individuals)
1. Honorary Member
The Board of Directors may appoint honorary members from distinguished individuals, regardless of nationality, if such appointments are deemed beneficial Candidates must meet the following criteria:
- Nomination is supported by three Board members.
- To enjoy full civil rights, demonstrate good conduct, and adhere to professional ethics.
- To endorse IMC Jordan’s Bylaws in writing.
- To contribute to IMC Jordan’s goals and activities.
2. Fellow Member
The Board of Directors may nominate a current full member as fellow member, if they meet the following requirements:
- Must hold a CMC certificate or an equivalent qualification in an approved training field.
- Have been a member of IMC Jordan for at least five years.
- Have made significant contributions to the development of management consulting or management training.
- To enjoy full civil rights, demonstrate good conduct, and adhere to professional ethics.
- To endorse IMC Jordan’s Bylaws in writing.
- To contribute to IMC Jordan’s goals and activities.
3. Full Member
Any Jordanian or Arab citizen may become a full member if they meet these conditions:
- Must possess at least a bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized university.
Consultant: Must have at least five years of relevant experience in management consulting or management training, with full-time work during the last three years.
Trainer: Must have worked as a management trainer for the last three years, completing a minimum of 400 training hours annually.
- To enjoy full civil rights, demonstrate good conduct, and comply with the professional ethics.
- The application is accepted by the Membership Committee.
- The application is approved by the Board of Directors.
- To endorse IMC Jordan’s Bylaws in writing.
- To contribute to IMC Jordan’s goals and activities.
4. Associate Member
Any Jordanian or Arab citizen may apply for Associate Membership if they meet the following criteria:
- Must hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized university, and have a minimum of three years of professional experience. Additionally, must have worked for at least one year in management consulting or training, either independently or within a management consulting firm, or as an internal management consultant in a public or private institution.
- To enjoy full civil rights, demonstrate good conduct, and adhere to professional ethics.
- The application is accepted by the Membership Committee.
- The application is approved by the Board of Directors.
- To endorse IMC Jordan’s Bylaws in writing.
- To contribute to IMC Jordan’s goals and activities.
5. Support Member
The Board of Directors may appoint support members regardless of their nationality if it deems this to serve the IMC Jordan’s goals and purposes. The member must meet the following conditions:
- To be able to support IMC Jordan realizing its purposes and goals .
- To enjoy his civil rights of good conduct, and comply with the requirements of professional ethics.
- The application is accepted by the Membership Committee.
- The application is approved by the Board of Directors.
- To endorse IMC Jordan’s Bylaws in writing.
- To contribute to IMC Jordan’s goals and activities.
6. Potential Member
IMC Jordan may accept potential members from among fresh graduates provided that the applicant shall have completed a bachelor’s degree or an equivalent thereof from a recognized university in one of the specializations related to the management consulting profession , and that the following conditions are met:
- To enjoy full civil rights, have good conduct and behavior and adhere to professional ethics.
- The application is accepted by the Membership Committee.
- The application is approved by the Board of Directors.
- To endorse IMC Jordan’s Bylaws in writing.
- To contribute to IMC Jordan’s goals and activities.
Membership of Legal Persons (Corporate)
1. Full Member
- Legal persons, in the field of management consulting or training, have the right to join the IMC Jordan as full members, provided that one of the owners of the legal person or employees thereof shall be be a fellow member or a full member of IMC Jordan. Membership shall terminate by the termination of this condition, unless the legal person shall reconcile its situation in this regard within six months from the date of termination of such condition. A legal person who is a full member shall be represented at the sessions of the General Assembly meetings by one vote.
2. Associate Member
- Legal persons in the field of management consulting or training, have the right to join as associate members in their legal capacity. Membership does not require that any owner or employee of the legal person be a member. Associate members do not have voting rights in the General Assembly meetings.
3. Supporting and Honorary Members
- The Board of Directors may appoint honorary members from distinguished legal persons, regardless of nationality, if such appointments are deemed beneficial to IMC Jordan’s goals and purposes.